D.I.Y. iphone marketing.(lots of useful links for getting your games noticed)
A friend sent me a link to this page, full of more useful links for places both paid and free to try and get your game marketed...
Certainly worth bookmarking for your next marketing onslaught...
D.I.Y. Marketing
Some familiar websites on their, but it never hurts to send your game out to one unknown blog/website...etc...it might be that little unknown blog that some SUPER MEGA pop artist reads, they buy your app, they love it, they tweet how much they love it and before you know it 'BOOM!' your hanging out with some angry birds...
Certainly worth bookmarking for your next marketing onslaught...
D.I.Y. Marketing
Some familiar websites on their, but it never hurts to send your game out to one unknown blog/website...etc...it might be that little unknown blog that some SUPER MEGA pop artist reads, they buy your app, they love it, they tweet how much they love it and before you know it 'BOOM!' your hanging out with some angry birds...
Yet, the majority of the review sites ignore the emails.
A good example... Touch Arcade... if it's some obscure game, like a Commodore or Turbo Graphics remake/emulator, that's front page news. A book that helps their developer community, that doesn't get any attention from them.
Even worse, sometimes I'll get an email from a review website telling me how I should be advertising on their website.
Honestly though I wouldn't expect many review sites to consider your book. as amazing as it is. its not what the majority of their site visitors are interested in. I would imagine most of the site traffic is not just the devs on the forum. its people looking for info on games and apps.
Thought it sounded familiar!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
NEW MACBOOK PRO's tomorrow!!! Can't wait, finally I will have a mac that I can develop on !
He said what needed to be said though...
a nice resource to have
does a pretty good job teaching
It's too bad he focused on the design of the app and less about what's in the app. He seems to have gotten hung up about page swiping. While that feature seems neat at first, it breaks the pages in odd ways. Page flipping was available with ePub/iBooks, but it was so slow.
"very few large picture examples"
That's simply inaccurate. There are lots of images. The article didn't show one of the great math charts or grid examples. That's like the essence of GameSalad.
The best looking version of the book was the printed version, but GameSalad changes too quickly for that. Perhaps when the software is out of beta I can relaunch it. I could probably add a page swiping feature to the app too.
Although, I like the app. I think it's great for quickly accessing GameSalad information. This is what I don't understand...
"In its current form, each page of the book is a pile of text situated onto the left side of a very large width screen."
What? The text is supposed to flow to the width of the screen. Maybe he was reading it in iPad Landscape. Otherwise, I don't see how the text would bunch up to the left side.
There's something else too...
"I’m starting with problems today"
Is the reviewer in a bad mood? The price seems to set him off. Sure, there are a lot of 99¢ apps out there. As an example, I think "Tiny Wings" is great. Angry Birds is a tremendous value. Are either of those apps going to make me money? They're time wasters. This is an educational book. You could pay a lot more for a class in GameSalad, does that mean we should get rid of schools?
MikeQuinn, your comment on the page about saving time is exactly right. The book can save days of your life. Sure, a lot of the information in the book is available online. Yet, there's no comprehensive guide from starting with GameSalad and ending up with a published game... all while pointing out the various pitfalls of the software.
There's no mention of the friendly and helpful tone of the book.
There's no mention of the math section.
There's no mention of specifics on what was good about the book.
Although, three stars is actually pretty good considering the overall tone of the article. I think it's a fair critique, but the review could have added more information about the good parts of the book.
Thank you, Riffel
If I were to review a book on building kit cars for example, I'm sure I would give it a low rating as I wouldn't "get it".
Much better to be reviews by users themselves
Ah well, thanks for the updates Photics!
By the way, I'm still using this book.
I'm still happy with the review overall, so maybe it's not a waste of time to send out promo codes. HA HA. It also inspired me to write this...
http://photics.com/how-to-respond-to-a-bad-review I'm glad that you like the book. People from this community really seem to like the book. That's more important to me.