Scene Transitions - Flaming Mitten R&D

SparkyidrSparkyidr Member Posts: 2,033
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi guys.

Here is the template with some scene transitions in for you to spruce up your games/apps in between scenes.

You can click here to buy it :

Check the video below for what you can find in the template.

It's priced at just £15 (around $24), which includes any additions/updates I make to the template.

If there are any specific transitions you want to see in future versions, please let me know, and I will try to include as many of the good ones as I can in a future version.

Everything is laid out fairly simply, and each transition effect is documented with noted in the actors/controllers used, so you can hopefully see what's happening without too much hunting through all the actors rules.

Hope you find it useful.
I think it's a great, simple way, to add an extra layer of sheen to your game or app.


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