GS is a good jumpstart for cocos2d iphone

I started trying to learn how to program in obj-c for the iphone a while ago... then I moved onto trying to learn cocos2d-iphone. I felt like I learned alot of concepts but then moved back to just simple app development...
Now that I've taken on GS I feel like I have a much better grip on how cocos2d-iphone works.
Anyone else have a similar feeling?
I just feel like GS is great for learning the concepts of object oriented game design... I've always been used to scripting.
Now that I've taken on GS I feel like I have a much better grip on how cocos2d-iphone works.
Anyone else have a similar feeling?
I just feel like GS is great for learning the concepts of object oriented game design... I've always been used to scripting.
You can't just go from GS to cocos2d... you have to learn how to program for obj-c somewhere in there... my problem was I've been trying to learn all along. It's just various things have helped me along the way!
I'm happy
This is the GameSalad forum so unless its relevant to GS it really just doesn't belong here. The purpose of this forum is so people using GameSalad can ask questions and interact and get help with GameSalad, Not learn what other SDK might be able to do what they want.
I used to not care that someone was pitching their other preferred SDK but honestly it is getting so ridiculous around here its really gotten on my nerves. And no this post was not a blatant advertising for cocos2d but how does that information benefit the GameSalad Community? If you are wanting to the GS for helping you learn another programming language then I bet they would rather an email about it instead of a public forum post.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
For example: if there's a forum for basic math ( + x / ) and you have someone that comes in and says it helped him understand calculus, I wouldn't consider that to be a bad thing. That's my current view of things anyways.
I felt the same... though it was probably even easier for me since I've used a similar program on windows called Multimedia Fusion.