(help!)how can u keep a actor dead when going back to the previous scene??
Member Posts: 14
Im trying to make a game, i'm currently busy with the gameplay and i run in a problem! When i kill a enemy on my main scene and then when i go to a other scene en comeback to the main screen the enemy is still there. how can i prefent that from happening?
Im trying to make a game, i'm currently busy with the gameplay and i run in a problem! When i kill a enemy on my main scene and then when i go to a other scene en comeback to the main screen the enemy is still there. how can i prefent that from happening?
game.scene1played = false
when player finishes scene 1 then change attribute game.scene1played to true
On the enemy actor, have a rule that the actor will only spawn or be visible if game.scene1played = false
Give that a shot and see if that works. Hope it helps!