Looking to make a trailer

What's the best way to make a trailer for your game? My game is 100% ready to submit, but I'm having trouble making a trailer to promote it.
I've tried iShowU HD Pro, but I can't seem to get rid of the demo water mark. Any suggestions?
I've tried iShowU HD Pro, but I can't seem to get rid of the demo water mark. Any suggestions?
It looks like I'll be using QuickTime.
Any advice on how to block out the areas of my screen that aren't showing my game while recording?
Someone mentioned black bars. Is there a way to add these in with iMovie?
Thanks again!
End result
Sorry, just being a knucklehead!
Thanks so much for the help. I've successfully made a trailer for Helicopters in Space, my first game.
You can see the results here:
Let me know what you guys think!