Free or 0,99$?

JonatanRosdahlJonatanRosdahl Member Posts: 27
Me and some friends have made our first game as a school project and now it's time to put it on App Store. But i don't know if it should be free or 0,99$.

My main goal is to get many downloads. But IF i can make money out of it that would be great.

So how good dose a game need to be to be sold for 0,99$?

Im just afraid to put it out for 0,99$ and get 0 downloads :P



  • VoidedSkyVoidedSky Member Posts: 1,095
    Post some screenshots or video of your game.
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    It's a hit or miss depending on your game. If it has good graphics and good music and a solid framework of code, you have a better chance at sales. Not guaranteed. You can pour your heart out in a game, and it may never sell a single one. And then again it may top the charts. There is just way to tell for certain how an app is going to do in the store.

    So figure out what you really want to do with the app. If you would like a little cash, then by all means, give it a try at $.99 If you are just looking for exposure for you and your mates, then free may be a better option.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    You have to have an amazing game to get a ton of downloads as a paid game. however free can be crap and still get a lot since people have no risk by downloading then your downloads will go up if have tons of really good reviews or tons of really bad reviews. My thinking by this is it takes a lot for someone to go back to the app store and leave a review and when there are hundreds of reviews the fact is it doesn't matter what the reviews say or rate. Your game still inspired 100+ people to download and then go back and review, good or bad. and that draws more downloads I would say if you are going for downloads just do free. if you do paid then you also have to deal with who gets paid and how much etc. your gonna have a lot less hassle with free.
  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    CowTechMan said:
    Post some screenshots or video of your game.

    agree... we can sorta look and tell...

    though... as @tenrdrmer says... less hassle with free...
    as you are young... you want to build a reputation and grow... and a great # of downloads... well be good in your portfolio and not the $$$.

  • shebhntshebhnt Member Posts: 74
    If you want as many downloads as you can get, go free. Once something is up for money, it becomes a lot harder to sell (even at .99)
  • RumiRumi Member, PRO Posts: 343
    Put a free version and a .99 cents version, like a lite and a real. You will get atleast 20% more downloads from both games combined and make 99 cents each time someone buys the real version!
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