Timer with a attribute where change
Member Posts: 45
I have bug if i make a attribute with real format and set it to 3 "game.Spawn". så i make a timer where do game.Spawn-0.1 every 10 sek. When its done i have a timer there spawn actors every game.Spawn but its only do every 3 sek. i have try to debug it whit all things. i have set a text so i can see the "game.Spawn" is changing but the actors dont spawn faster.
I don't understand why game.Spawn is real... try it as integer...
and instead of a timer use a rule for the spawning
when game.Spawn =0 ... spawn actor.
can you take a screenShot of your code and upload it... or make a demo and upload that to GS... then show us...
[shift] + [] + 4 ... and drag the crossbars over area to select...
this should place image on your desktop
if that doesn't work, you need to make sure screenShots in SystemPreferences are enabled
open that and click keyboard >> keyboard shortcuts >> and in the list on the left...