50x50 image gets blurry

so my actor player is 50x50 so I made a 50x50 image and attached it. but its super blurry/bad quality! and when I went into the player attributes under graphics the HORIZONTAL WRAP was to "stretch" so I changed it to "fixed" and now its really small.
so why is a 50x50 image attached to a 50x50 actor acting so weird?
so why is a 50x50 image attached to a 50x50 actor acting so weird?
Hopefully that should help you out.
A graphic with an odd dimension will become blurry in GS. So all of your graphics need to have even dimensions. If you are using Resolution Independence, they also need to be divisible by 4. Your graphic which is 50x50 will become 25x25 when you turn on RI - hence the blurring.
but my target is macs.
hope that helps.
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If you make your nice Retina Display graphics at 70x70, it will look great on an iPhone4 or equivalent.
But when GS goes through and makes 1/2 sized images for the older devices, they will take that 70x70 graphic and make a 35x35 graphic - causing a blur on the older devices.
GS BubbleBall Template HERE!!
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Ideally you would make it look great for all devices, as well as make it run fine on all devices.
You would just need to make the above graphic 72x72 and it will look and work perfect everywhere.
No sense in losing sales or getting bad reviews just for neglecting a simple fix