iJetSki HD Is Featured In 337 Places on The App Store!
Hey guys, today I noticed my iPad app iJetSki HD, which went live on the App Store on February 26, is featured by Apple on the App Store in 337 different places! More detailed information can be found on App Annie at the following link. http://www.appannie.com/ijetski-hd/. I was just wondering what I should expect next. Please take a moment to answer the question in the above poll. I still have some promo codes to give away as well, so if anyone would like one, please email me at iphoneapps@alexharbaughapps.com. Thanks everyone!
- Alex
- Alex
GS BubbleBall Template HERE!!
Stacks Level Selection Template HERE!!
AppSolute Entertainment on Facebook
- Alex
But it looks like an awesome game! I would ask for a promo code if I had an iPad, I might think about getting one after tomorrow though......
- Alex