Pause + Change scene questions

anithmukanithmuk Member Posts: 235
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I don't have a dev profile from apple yet so I can't do any testing and I was just curious about a couple things.

First, does the pause scene load (like a change scene) or is it instant? If it loads, is the loading time any less than the time it would take just to change scenes? (Also, does reset scene load as well?)

Second, does changing scenes once in a pause scene override the pause or unpause the game, or is the game still in a 'paused' state until an actor actually unpauses the game. For example, if I pause the game then in the pause scene I press a button that changes the scene to the menu, has the game unpaused?



  • anithmukanithmuk Member Posts: 235
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    Yes theres a load time on the pause scene like a change scene.

    And for your second question you want to unpause first, you can make it look instant though by having when touch is pressed unpause scene and after 0.1 seconds run to completion checked change scene. So it basically unpause and change at the same time

  • anithmukanithmuk Member Posts: 235
    Alright thanks. Although having to wait for the game to load every single time you pause, reset or change the scene is a bummer.
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