Ladder - actor climbs ladder and holds position

SmallBytesSmallBytes Member, PRO Posts: 21
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I am creating a ladder but cant get the actor to hold its position on the ladder when up key is not presses anymore.

Anyone have any ideas, i searched the forum but could not find anything.



  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    how are you having the actor move? what behavior or rule or attributes?
    (realize the key pressed initiates the action...)

    In your Rule when Actor receives event
    try adding Otherwise: and stop the motion...
    (worked well with changeAttribute Linear Velocity)

    Interpolate works well if you know where you want the actor to stop (the ending Y position)
    Doesn't need an Otherwise: actor will just go to position you want...

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