Save Attribute and Key

AppFueledAppFueled Member Posts: 308
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Let me get this straight. I have 30 high scores, one for each level of my game. In order to save these as attributes do I need:

A) only 1 attribute called "game.highscore" and each level high score is saved in a separate key - ie., level1, level2, level3 etc


B) am I going to need a "game.highscore" attribute for level - ie., game.highscore.level1, game.highscore.level2, game.highscore.level3, etc. and a corresponding key. For example: "game.highscore.level1" would have a key of "level1"


8 Bit Grenade - iPhone Game Development Studio & Revolution Igniter


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