Something is seriously wrong with my spawner!!

DrGlickertDrGlickert Member Posts: 1,135
edited November -1 in Tech Support
So I would say that about ~60% of the time my game works just fine.

I have an invisible actor that spawns random actors (I have different colored bricks and different sizes; blue (small, medium, large), red (small, medium, large), green...etc)

So there are a total of 18 different actors that my invisible actor spawns. The spawner actor has a rule that when game.bricks = 30 to stop randomly spawning the actors.

Then, I have another rule in the scene that sets game.bricksShot to 30 and when game.bricksShot = 0 to end the scene.


However, SOMETIMES it doesn't spawn all 30. Let me emphasize "sometimes!" It may spawn 28, sometimes 29...Sometimes it works and spawns 30 and I have no issues.

This poses an enormous problem because then SOMETIMES the player won't be able to finish the scene...

Is this a known bug? or am I seriously doing something wrong here???


  • simo103simo103 Member, PRO Posts: 1,331
    is the spawner 'spawning' instantly or on a timer? And how are you tracking if the total 30 is spawned (visually or with a attribute)?

    If it were me troubleshooting I would slow down the spawner with a timer so all actions where slower just to see if GS wasn't getting ahead of itself since it is so speedy. The reason I asked if you were tracking it with an attribute is because if your are visually counting is it possible some are exactly on top of each other?
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    Here's a way to be sure that the player can destroy all bricks and move on:

    Don't set game.bricks to 30. Instead put "change attribute game.bricks to game.bricks+1" in each brick actor. So if the game only spawns 28 game.bricks the level will start with a brick count at 28 and when all are destroyed game.bricks will equal 0 even though the level didn't have 30 bricks.
  • simo103simo103 Member, PRO Posts: 1,331
    Also didn't want to waste a joke opportunity ... but also didn't not want to help as I know when it gets frustrating the last thing you probably want is a joke BUT since I provided my helpful thoughts first ...... ;^)

    "Something is seriously wrong with my spawner!!" ..... my urologist tells me I need to slow down and take it easy once and a while and not to worry so much about my performance!
  • DrGlickertDrGlickert Member Posts: 1,135
    @simo103 - I tried that. I HAD it on a timer at EVERY 0 seconds spawn actors... Then I went to .1, then .3, now I've got it now to about .7 seconds... Still having those issues. I'm tracking the spawner with a game.attribute. So every time something is spawned it adds +1 to the counter until it gets to 30 and then it's supposed to stop.

    @ scitunes - I will try that way now to see if it helps at all.

    @simo103 (again) - nice one. Always love jokes!
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Sorry I saw this title and all I could think is "well your problem is your using a spawner". LOL

    Scitunes suggestion is a good thing to have as a for sure they wont get stuck. I do that for any type of puzzle where collecting or destroying items are needed even when I have laid the level out and know how many are/should be there. its a good fail safe.
  • DrGlickertDrGlickert Member Posts: 1,135
    NOPE! That didn't work either.

    Somehow my bricks are disappearing... Has to be a glitch somewhere. I did it just like scitunes said, instead of having a hard counter that counts down, I now have a counter that counts up as bricks are spawned and then through gameplay that number is decreased...

    Is it possible that a brick or two can disappear??? I can't think of anything that I'm doing. I've looked over all my behaviors and everything checks out just fine.

    Has to be a bug?!

    Anyone else? (Thanks for your help though guys)
  • DrGlickertDrGlickert Member Posts: 1,135
    My bad. I found some code that was effecting the bricks from "completely spawning" long story was all me.

    I apologize to GameSalad for cursing your program multiple times (luckily not on the forums). You guys are great. Thank you. You will make me a millionaire soon enough!
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    DrGlickert said:
    My bad. I found some code that was effecting the bricks from "completely spawning" long story was all me.

    I apologize to GameSalad for cursing your program multiple times (luckily not on the forums). You guys are great. Thank you. You will make me a millionaire soon enough!

    I hate how its almost always user error. I wish sometimes the GameSalad Creator would accept it is screwing up instead of proving me wrong.

    Glad you got it worked out doc.
  • FranzKellerFranzKeller Member Posts: 517
    probably not in your case, but actors can destroy if they go too far beyond screen boundaries. They just never come back
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