Angry Birds Question

AppFueledAppFueled Member Posts: 308
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Where do you suppose Angry Birds would load attributes for each level and where do you think they would save them?

For example, do you think they would "save attributes" on the score screen that pops up after each level? And if so, wouldn't you need to rename the score screen for every level which would add to the size of the game?


  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    That's how we did it for Gravitrixx - each level had its own high score.

    That was fun to do 100 times.. :(

    QS :/

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • sparkzillasparkzilla Member Posts: 152
    Instead of making a score screen for each level I am using the Pause function to go to a single Game Over/Retry scene.
  • AppFueledAppFueled Member Posts: 308
    Thanks for your feedback guys.

    Since my scores and attributes are held in the score screen that pops up after every level, does it make since that I have 30 of those score screens all named uniquely?
  • sparkzillasparkzilla Member Posts: 152
    In my case rather than make lots of score screens with the attributes I have a single Levels screen with select level actor buttons that hold the level attributes (Level Name, Level Number, How many enemies, Initial speeds etc)

    Then when the character dies, instead of Change Scene to the REPLAY/LEVELS/QUIT scene I use Pause Scene to go there. This allows me to make a Replay button that simply replays the current scene. And it gives a cool overlay look that I like.

    The only issue I have found with this so far is that I have to make a long list of rules in the Pause scene to deal with the highscores, but it's easier than dealing with a lot of individual screens.
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