Improvements for 2nd game need opinions please

Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
So I have decided to make a sequel to a game that I have made about 4 months ago. The game is free and in 4 months it has received over 110,000 downloads and still sees anywhere from 150-400 a day. I figured I could capitalize on this and hopefully make a successful paid sequel and pull in a good amount of those downloads if the game is good enough.

The 1st game can be found here:

I'll be the first to admit the game play is very stale and repetitive. At the time I was figuring the "mass" levels would sell the game. This time around I have developed a story mode that will consist of around 10 missions. I also have 2 training modes which will be side games to play and aim for a high score. I am hoping that this idea will make the game much more appealing.

Also I know that when I originally made the game there were some discrepancies in regards to the art work. I want all of you to know that I am having art work specifically made for this game to change it completely. I am really excited about the art and think that the awesome art on top of the new game play will really make this game 100x better than the first.

What I am asking you guys is what could I improve on? I ask that you check out the original and tell me what you think needs to work better, whether it be game mechanics or game play.

Look forward to the feedback.

I'm comfortable posting this because I have already reserved the app name that I want :)


  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    As it was stated quite heatedly when this first came out - "Don't steal people's games!"

    I can't believe that after all that your going to come back and ask for advice on how to make a sequel of game you didn't have the right to make in the first place.


  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    After the discussion when the original came out I made it free because I saw the opinions of the forum.

    I see nothing wrong with making a sequel since it will be a completely different game. New characters and everything
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    I don't remember this... What happened? He stole a game and passed it as his own?

  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    you can find original thread here, though I do see that most of the images used in discussion have been taken down from peoples image shack or what system they used, so thread has some holes in it.

    Some people would say I stole the game yes, but I do not see it that way. I took the "idea" yes and used some of the images, but the images used I changed.
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    Thus why I am trying to get some redemption in making a "sequel" this time using 100% custom images made just for this game.

    once again I see nothing wrong with making the 2nd game.
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    Lol there is inspiration, basing something on a game's vibe and then there's the slightly other thing which is being a pleb and completely ripping off a game, then there's this even more hardcore version called being a complete idiot and just recolouring images and passing it off as your own.

    Now you want to make a sequel to a game you didn't invent? Why not just do New Super Mario Bros. 2 or you could recolour the image and to definitely make sure you won't get slagged off, call it New Super Bario Bros. 2... That'd be good.

    Why not make an original game?

    Oh, wait... I hear there's people wanting Angry Birds 2... You could make that?

  • AquariusAquarius Member Posts: 282
    wow i just finishing reading that thread. i gotta say what you said about the TSB (and most of developers nowadays who clone/copy other games) things is SPOT ON. anyways, lets change the topic back to the original before i get hit by a lighting bolt :)

    obviously character reworking. new art. new sounds, etc etc. make sure u advertise it on your first game AFTER apple approves the SEQUEL. update the info on the first one like "part 2 now available!" or etc etc

    check your inbox i pm'ed u
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    I'm going to try and be nice about this because it seems you are having trouble reading the posts I have been making.

    Yes I agree that what I did with the first game was not right.

    That being said. I have taken everyones "suggestions" and i am getting original art work done for the second game. I am changing the game play. it will be a completely new game. idk how many more ways I can say this or how many time i can say it.

    The 2nd game is going to be 100% original. No recoloring or anything.

    So please do tell me what is so unoriginal about the new game that I have planned. like stated many times in the old thread, I can use an "idea" of a game, but not the actual assets themselves. Since all the assets will be original I see nothing wrong.

    but please go ahead and entertain me with what im doing wrong.
  • AquariusAquarius Member Posts: 282
    Player_E said:
    I'm going to try and be nice about this because it seems you are having trouble reading the posts I have been making.

    Yes I agree that what I did with the first game was not right.

    That being said. I have taken everyones "suggestions" and i am getting original art work done for the second game. I am changing the game play. it will be a completely new game. idk how many more ways I can say this or how many time i can say it.

    The 2nd game is going to be 100% original. No recoloring or anything.

    So please do tell me what is so unoriginal about the new game that I have planned. like stated many times in the old thread, I can use an "idea" of a game, but not the actual assets themselves. Since all the assets will be original I see nothing wrong.

    but please go ahead and entertain me with what im doing wrong.

    not sure if you read my post upthere but anywho heres what I THINK:

    like everyone's said, rework ur images and sounds etc etc and just finish your game dude. u don't need anyones approval. whats the point of hearing ppls opinions from across the internet? just do it.
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    @ aquarius
    I wasn't planning on this thread to get out of hand and on the track it has. I was hoping for some ideas on improvement.

    I read your previous post and so far all of those things are in the works. have you downloaded the game for any suggestions on gameplay?

    btw i replied to your PM
  • AquariusAquarius Member Posts: 282
    Player_E said:
    @ aquarius
    I wasn't planning on this thread to get out of hand and on the track it has. I was hoping for some ideas on improvement.

    I read your previous post and so far all of those things are in the works. have you downloaded the game for any suggestions on gameplay?

    btw i replied to your PM

    actually no i haven't played it,i'm downloading it RIGHT now to check it out. i'll contact you here, or if this thread gets closed (which they prolly will) i'll DM u on twitter
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    If all the assets are original, then there is absolutely nothing wrong at all.

    Although, as was stated in the old thread, "If game making is something you keep persuing, where you try to build a portifiol and reputation, this will haunt you forever." Has come to fruition. If you are making it again from scratch, I wish you good luck, and I hope it does well for you, but I'm afraid the damage has been done in the eyes of most of this community from your first version of the game.
  • AquariusAquarius Member Posts: 282
    lol u have some "test ad" on the bottom there lol SMH@apple
  • AquariusAquarius Member Posts: 282
    SlickZero said:
    If all the assets are original, then there is absolutely nothing wrong at all.

    Although, as was stated in the old thread, "If game making is something you keep persuing, where you try to build a portifiol and reputation, this will haunt you forever." Has come to fruition. If you are making it again from scratch, I wish you good luck, and I hope it does well for you, but I'm afraid the damage has been done in the eyes of most of this community from your first version of the game.

    it depends how you look at it. FIRST OF ALL it was free. so he didn't make money off of it.
    most of the puzzle games created with GS are clones of other puzzle games or use the same art every now and then. i cants count the times i seen darren's template/GS templates on the appstore. ssome apps made by sous chefs. :)

    hell even modern games are clones of older games (i mean on ios,ps3,xbox,wii,etc etc)
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    I definitely agree with that quote. Seems like it will always haunt me here on the GS forum no matter what I do, but whats done is done.

    No wonder add revenue across all my games have been low lately. I'll check my twitter also.
  • AquariusAquarius Member Posts: 282
    *add some sounds to the button presses on the menu. maybe a click sound atleast?

    *i'm not feeling the jazz/relaxed music or the FIELD OF CORN WITH BARRELS lol but thats just me. u can make that a TRAINING level.

    *on that note, make enemies run at you. some at different speeds? robots? ninjas? etc etc. also have some fall from the sky maybe?

    *different locations? time of day? weather? fast music, mysterious music at nighttime levels?

    a *bonus* grenade /explosive ammo every 10 kills?

    i guess all that would be cool....
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    @ Aquarius
    The second game wont be as repetitive. I have a story set up that will bring different types of enemies, yes enemies this time not just inanimate objects lol. Think along the lines of a Ghost in the Shell type of world with robots etc.

    Also liking the ideas of different types of ammo... That could be very interesting and I could take use of the new pause feature as a type of equipment screen. Very good stuff I'll see what I can plan out. Thanks for the feedback.
  • AquariusAquarius Member Posts: 282
    Player_E said:
    @ Aquarius
    The second game wont be as repetitive. I have a story set up that will bring different types of enemies, yes enemies this time not just inanimate objects lol. Think along the lines of a Ghost in the Shell type of world with robots etc.

    Also liking the ideas of different types of ammo... That could be very interesting and I could take use of the new pause feature as a type of equipment screen. Very good stuff I'll see what I can plan out. Thanks for the feedback.

    no problem. ironcially i was picturing your sequel to be like ghost in the shell :)
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    Nice! I guess it was a good idea then lol
  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    me, I wouldn't issue a sequel ... while your download #s were nice #... think downloads for free game that starts with the letter "A' and shows-up high on the list would have to be above 500K in four months. Plus any of your freebie users who didn't play for long nor like the game...wont buy a sequel... the free has 2.5 rating... so that is just average...

    by all means do make your new game... and let the world know it is a NEW game...don't drag your past mistake in judgement with you!

    I think you will do a phenomenal game using your skills and original vision!
    originality and uniqueness are big sellers...

  • AquariusAquarius Member Posts: 282
    so games with the letter A" are always on top of the list?
    if thats the case ALL m games are gonna start with "a"! lmao
  • EatingMyHatEatingMyHat Member Posts: 1,246
    Player_E said:

    Yes I agree that what I did with the first game was not right.

    So why is your first game still on the App Store? If you know it is wrong, remove it so everybody will see that you are no longer seek to profit from someone else work.
  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    "It takes a strong man to admits the he made a mistake but It takes an REAL and BETTER man to work on fixing his mistakes and make them right."

    It's all up to you but everyone deserves a chance of redemption.
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    drahc said:
    "It takes a strong man to admits the he made a mistake but It takes an REAL and BETTER man to work on fixing his mistakes and make them right."

    I think this is supposed to be a positive comment about what im trying to do. Thanks I appreciate it.
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