Now that ios 4.3 is out will I have to update my gamesalad viewer on my touch or something? Plus, how do i get ad hoc viewer to test my game on my touch?
tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
It should be the same if you had it before you updated it should still work and if you didn't just select to new SDK when building the viewer. But you know testing on the viewer and testing an ad hoc build is different.
log on to your dev account, make a distribution provisioning profile and make sure adhoc is checked and not appstore, and make sure your device is checked in it as well. Make that then download it. Then publish your game threw gamesalad and choose your adhoc distribution provisiong profile. Then drag the .app file it gives and the adhoc distro prov profile for it onto your itunes icon in the dock, and sync you device
thanks. When i'm making the distribution provisioning profile, for app ID, do I select 'Game Salad' (The one I made while following TSB's vid on how to get the gamesalad viewer on your device)?
no im talking about making the ad hoc build. I log into my dev account, go to provisioning, go to distribution, and click 'new profile'. Then there's some stuff to fill out. I select ad hoc (not app store), I put in the profile name (i'm assuming that doesn't matter and can be anything?), I select my distribution provisioning profile, then I have to select my app id. Do I choose the app ID that I used to get the GameSalad viewer on my device, or do I need to make a new one?
Everything's there. Its just like publishing for Apple you just use a different provisioning profile