Actor jumps but never comes back down
Hey, im working on a project where im making a character with basic characteristics. the problem is when i use the jump rule below the actor doesnt come back down it just floats there.
- Alex
i would do what tenrdrmer said and add in an accelerate down (again try playing with the amount it accelerates)
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Actor Recieves Event: Actor collides with Platform/Ground?Whatever your actor stands on
Then, add a "Change Attribute" Behavior. Click on the triple period button. Select Self>Motion>Linear Velocity>Y. Type 400 into the box to the right of the triple period. Now, your actor should jump whenever you press(and/or hold)the spacebar, and it touches a platform, but will only stay in the air for a second without touching a platform. A side effect is that your character can now wall-jump, and can hug the undersides of platforms without falling.