When collides-center actor 1 on actor 2
Ok, so I have random objects falling from the sky(actor 1), and something moving at the bottom (actor 2). When actor 1 collides with actor 2, actor one goes on top of actor 2(like stacking), but how can I make it so actor 1 centers on actor 2?
I have searched but nothing has worked so far.
I have searched but nothing has worked so far.
then in actor two have two constrain attributes, one saying playerX to self.Position.X, and the other saying playerY to self.Position.Y
then in actor one make a rule that says
actor receives event, overlaps or collides with, actor 2
constrain attribute self.positon.X to playerX
constrain attribute self.Position.Y to playerY
that should do it.
click on actor1
Rule when
collides with actor2
--Change (or Constrain) Attribute [exp] self.Position.X To:
[exp] >Current Scene>layers>layerActor2on>actor2>Position>X
I don't know if you have coded things like Linear Velocity... Accelerate... but other things may have to be changed ... prevent conflicts.
Edit-how do I do the second part, the one where I go to scene, etc...?