Help with climbing ladders

jobonoobdudejobonoobdude Member Posts: 152
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
hey guys,
so I'm working on my snowmen project and I want a certain actor (my middle snowmen guy with arms) to "climb"
So in my actor I have, attribute special (thats my climb thingy) is true and overlaps or collides with ladder then accelerate at 100 90 degrees (up). can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong? thanks! :)


  • jobonoobdudejobonoobdude Member Posts: 152
    wait, wait, (face palm) I figured it out.
    I wasent taking into account the gravity!
    thats awkward :)
  • steve86steve86 Member Posts: 806
    If you don't want to deal with gravity just use the move feature instead
  • jobonoobdudejobonoobdude Member Posts: 152
    ahh, well thats also awkward :)
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