Using GS engine ans program for other than a game.
Ive noticed that alot of people have made apps thru GS that werent exactly a game. Ive seen books and quizes etc etc. In that regards. Ive also found alot of apps on the app store that are greater than 50MB sometimes greater than 100MB and 1 App that is nothing but video tutorials and it was over 150MB. If apple is approving apps that are much much more than 10-20-30MB. Is it safe to say that a GS made app that is over 30mb wont be rejected just because it file size is large. I understand that the memory usage while playing needs to be as low as possible for performance. But as long as performance is good. Then actual file size wouldnt and shouldnt be a factor is approval by the app store? is this correct or incorrect? And why?
- Alex