Help with Turning Music ON and OFF

mortbrewmortbrew Member Posts: 3
I have a game attribute called "Music" that should control if music is playing or not.
Default is set to "1" to make the music play.
Setting the attribute to "1" should cause all game music to play.
Setting the attribute to "0" should cause all game music to not play.
I have set my rules for both the ON and OFF button.
My problem is that I can click the OFF button once and everything works but I cannot then immediately click the ON button and revert back to ON. If I change scenes and come back to here I can then click the ON button and revert back to ON but again I have to change scenes to click the OFF button. What am I doing wrong? I have viewed the tShirtBooth video on making an ON/OFF button, but I wanted to do it this way. Is this possible? Thank you for time reading this! :0)


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