Hiring artists!!! Willing to pay up to $50!!

OaklandasfanOaklandasfan Member Posts: 213
I need some art for a game I'm making, and I'm willing to pay up to $50 for art. My project will be a very ambitious sports (baseball/soccer) game. What I need:
-a fully customizable character creator (Can be stick figures)
-a button with a bat (and a version that says CHARGE! on it w/ the bat)
-a button w/ a dumbell (and a version that says Train under it)
-a picture of a coin
-a button that says "Play baseball" and another that says "Play soccer"
-fully animated pitcher and goalie, fully animated batter (w/ helmet) and soccer player
-a button with a soccer ball (and a version that says CHARGE! on it w/ the ball)
-curved arrows
-a meter that shows the amount of charge that you have
-a soccer pitch and a baseball diamond.

If the art is good enough, I will pay you $50 and maybe some of the money you get from the game.


  • CaniohCanioh Member Posts: 200
    All that for only $50?
  • OaklandasfanOaklandasfan Member Posts: 213
    Yes, I know that's little money, but I am low on money.
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    $50 gee wiz mister, I could buy a coke with that!

    Honestly though, you gonna end up paying a lot more than $50 if you want all of that. I would suggest also you split the game into two. Not sure how big of a fan base there is for a Soccer Baseball cross game. Possibly more chance for better sales with 2 games imo.

    I am paying $70 just for two animations for my game. and there is a lot more needed than just 2 animations.
  • OaklandasfanOaklandasfan Member Posts: 213
    Not a cross game. It's two games in one.

    Here is the revised version:

    -a fully customizable character creator (for baseball and soccer) (Can be stick figures)
    -a button with a bat (and a version that says CHARGE! on it w/ the bat)
    -a button w/ a dumbell (and a version that says Train under it)
    -a picture of a coin
    -a button that says "Play baseball" and another that says "Play soccer"
    -fully animated pitcher and goalie, fully animated batter (w/ helmet) and soccer player
    -a button with a soccer ball (and a version that says CHARGE! on it w/ the ball)
    -curved arrows
    -a meter that shows the amount of charge that you have
    -a soccer pitch and a baseball diamond.

    I will pay you 50-75% of the revenue and $50
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    Just a suggestion as I'm here lurking anyway; try Digital Point forums.

    You are MUCH more likely to get someone willing to work for that price over there.

    *returns to the shadows*
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    *paints the shadows with neon*

    Aha! There you are!

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
    Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io

  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
  • OaklandasfanOaklandasfan Member Posts: 213
    Thx peachpellen!
  • OaklandasfanOaklandasfan Member Posts: 213
    Does anyone have a euro converter? :D

    Update: That's about $50
  • ozboybrianozboybrian PRO Posts: 2,102
    I could give it a go, but it'll be pretty basic.

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  • ValanValan Member, BASIC Posts: 410
    I would suggest trying to do the buttons, pitch and pictures yourself and use the money for the more demanding stuff. Heck, even try the animations yourself and then you have stuff to show the artist, if you need one.

    -a fully customizable character creator (for baseball and soccer) (Can be stick figures)

    -fully animated pitcher and goalie, fully animated batter (w/ helmet) and soccer player

    These are scary from an artist POV.
    Make your requirements very clear such as size, actions, number of frames and/or possible colour. Get examples of the style/mood you want the graphics to look like.

    The clearer your requirements are, then the faster and less expensive your graphics will be to produce.

    Hope it works out well.

  • OaklandasfanOaklandasfan Member Posts: 213
    I will probably try to do the buttons myself, but I want it to look profesional. I can do the coin for myself.

    For people interested, The color scheme will probably be blue and yellow. Also, I want the people animations to be sideways for baseball, like this:

    Pitcher Batter
    0 0
    |- -|
    /\ /\

    That's what I was planning on the camera angle to be like.
  • OaklandasfanOaklandasfan Member Posts: 213
    Ok, this is being kinda glitchy, I made those WAY more spaced out.
  • OaklandasfanOaklandasfan Member Posts: 213
    I don't want the pitcher and the batter to be making out.
  • Hi! Illustrator expert! Lets talk about your project. Here is my skype: aldin.b.dapitan

  • JamwithnoJamwithno Member Posts: 312
    Dud if I could draw I would do it for $50 these guys are just mean
  • CaniohCanioh Member Posts: 200
    Jamwithno said:
    Dud if I could draw I would do it for $50 these guys are just mean

    Have you any idea how long it takes to make good art?
  • DhondonDhondon Member Posts: 717
    Canioh said:
    Have you any idea how long it takes to make good art?


    If I offer someone to make an game 100$ for me, and nobody wants to do it, are they mean? The price is just to low. Atleast for aceptable quality.
  • Mates,

    Character Illustration is not simply yet to do. I needs to more unique and fully original. The Color, Effects that depends on the game or the requirement or the client.

    Thanks and have a great day! Godbless
  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    dhondon said:

    If I offer someone to make an game 100$ for me, and nobody wants to do it, are they mean? The price is just to low. Atleast for aceptable quality.

    +2 Art is very underrated. Some think its easy and shouldn't pay much for it. They just don't understand the process I guess.
  • DhondonDhondon Member Posts: 717
    Indie does not mean cheap, or is an magic word to get artist to work for pennies.
    Freelancers has bill to pay.

    Example: Braid was an beautiful and great indie game, but it had an budget around $180,000. ( http://kotaku.com/#!5037392/jonathan-blow-says-he-spent-180000-on-braid ).

    If you cant pay you artist, royaltyshare is actually an good options (although it often results in little money, based on my experience).
  • Good Idea!Perfect
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