Pulling everything together
Member Posts: 66
I've been with GameSalad a while and have produced zero. I think what I'm having a problem with is putting together how most things work together. The actual workflow of getting what actions will create what outcome? I've watched a few videos and even read the forums, but there isn't a clear understanding of every aspect of linking and grouping what attributes work best when trying to accomplish a certain action. Most people I've run across of the forums make it sound easy, but there is a learning curve to get everything working together more than people let on to.
GS isn't easy to master because there is a lot of logic that goes into game creation, and knowing the tool is vital to getting what you want out of it, but it is hundreds of times easier than learning how to code in Objective - C from scratch.
I took 3 months, about 10 hours a day, studying Objective - C. By the end of that I sat down and started to code a small amount and hated how lost I still felt. With Gamesalad, I've spent 4 months learning the program and am absolutely confident that practically anything I desire to make, I can. If you have specific questions, use the forum, because in all honesty it's the best one I've ever come across. People are generally helpful and nice, and best of all, they are quick. It's a good community.
Jump in the deep end and get lost. Then find your way out and share how you did it with us. Every single person here is still learning new ways to do things, and that's one of the aspects that makes it interesting and of quality.
Keep working hard at it and you'll get it!
I spent 6 weeks creating a game called PixYPHUS, and submitted it to the app store 2 days ago. I averaged 12 hours of work a day (seriously) without a day off. I learned an insane amount through that process, and it's going to show in every other project I work on.
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object><div align="right" style="color:#aaa;font-size:80%;">Get the Video Widget</div>
Take it from me, you can do it if you push yourself.
Good Luck to you, and to me!
Edit: I don't know how to properly embed a youtube clip. Does anyone care to share how to do this with me?
Although the gameplay could not get any simpler while still incorporating a touch, how easy is it to consistently touch something? There are a few layers that are reached with this idea. There is of course the physical aspect. It's "easy" to touch something, but after a while you notice you are putting effort into that action, and quite suddenly it changes to being in the forefront of your mind, rather than playing a quiet role.
The next is psychological. WHY keep pushing the boulder up a hill? WHY keep holding the screen. Is the experience worth it, or is it essentially a waste of time? I've attempted to make the game interesting and dynamic to look at so that the journey becomes a big part of that reasoning.
It's a "pixel" pushing the boulder up the mountain. Well, it's a pixel made of pixels pushing other pixels that look like a boulder up a bunch of pixels that look like a mountain. It is a juxtaposition of aesthetics and concept, and while in the end I believe the game may not be totally enjoyable to everyone, I believe that those people who grab onto it and enjoy the experience of it will tell their friends about it.
I want to create something new in this market. Be a new branch on the tree. It may be a bit of a gamble, but I wouldn't be happy with myself if I were just working on another Angry Birds clone. (not that there's anything wrong with it! Just not my cup of tea)
So we'll see how it goes. I plan on pushing lines of validity of the term "game" with every project I do. After all, how many times have I heard, "So you just roll around a ball and it picks stuff up? That sounds really boring" in reference to Katamari.
I'm excited to see what happens with it.