Making legs "Hang from a body"

Firstly, hello! My name is Charlie.
This is going to be my first game and I have only been playing with this a few hours.
Basically, I have three images; Leftleg, rightleg and body.
I want the legs to hang of the body with gravity. So when the body moves the legs swing under it. Any ideas?
This is going to be my first game and I have only been playing with this a few hours.
Basically, I have three images; Leftleg, rightleg and body.
I want the legs to hang of the body with gravity. So when the body moves the legs swing under it. Any ideas?
So when the player is moving right, animate legs moving, and have the entire body change according to that movement including the legs, rather than having the legs separate, unless you have an alternative thing you want to do with the legs being separate.
I really just wanted the effect of them hanging - the arms will be doing the moving.