Best way to make a bubble jet?
I need to make a stream/jet of bubble in my game but i'm not sure how to do it without sending the frame rate/memory usage through the roof.
At first I was just going to use an actor to randomly spawn a a line of bubbles every 0.5secs and have the bubbles move up and destroy themselves after 3-4secs. There would never be more then 70 actors on the screen at the same time but that still doesn't seem like a very efficient solution...
Any ideas on how to do this without making someones older generation ipod explode?
At first I was just going to use an actor to randomly spawn a a line of bubbles every 0.5secs and have the bubbles move up and destroy themselves after 3-4secs. There would never be more then 70 actors on the screen at the same time but that still doesn't seem like a very efficient solution...
Any ideas on how to do this without making someones older generation ipod explode?
The best way that I would do it would be to add a change attribute self.X to self.position.x and self. Y to self.position.y (self.X and self.Y are both Real attributes) to an actor and drag that in off screen as many times as you want it, then instead of destroying, just change the X and Y back to self.X and self.Y, basically you will be doing the opposite for spawning, just change the X & Y to where you want them.
Particles are your best bet, play around with them