Best way to make a bubble jet?

BackUpAndDownBackUpAndDown Member Posts: 685
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I need to make a stream/jet of bubble in my game but i'm not sure how to do it without sending the frame rate/memory usage through the roof.

At first I was just going to use an actor to randomly spawn a a line of bubbles every 0.5secs and have the bubbles move up and destroy themselves after 3-4secs. There would never be more then 70 actors on the screen at the same time but that still doesn't seem like a very efficient solution...

Any ideas on how to do this without making someones older generation ipod explode?


  • okimokiokimoki Member Posts: 159
    particles? :)
  • BackUpAndDownBackUpAndDown Member Posts: 685
    okimoki said:
    particles? :)

    Wouldn't that be just as strenuous on the ipod as spawning them?
  • BackUpAndDownBackUpAndDown Member Posts: 685
    Any help would be great. lol
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    Particles would be a hell of a lot better on performance than spawning, the main problem with the spawning and destroy is that they still stay in memory for some time, so builds up and then kills your iPod.

    The best way that I would do it would be to add a change attribute self.X to self.position.x and self. Y to self.position.y (self.X and self.Y are both Real attributes) to an actor and drag that in off screen as many times as you want it, then instead of destroying, just change the X and Y back to self.X and self.Y, basically you will be doing the opposite for spawning, just change the X & Y to where you want them.

  • BackUpAndDownBackUpAndDown Member Posts: 685
    mynameisace said:
    Particles would be a hell of a lot better on performance than spawning, the main problem with the spawning and destroy is that they still stay in memory for some time, so builds up and then kills your iPod.

    The best way that I would do it would be to add a change attribute self.X to self.position.x and self. Y to self.position.y (self.X and self.Y are both Real attributes) to an actor and drag that in off screen as many times as you want it, then instead of destroying, just change the X and Y back to self.X and self.Y, basically you will be doing the opposite for spawning, just change the X & Y to where you want them.


    Eh, I'm not sure I completely understand... Could you make a template or something? I was hoping for something I could just drag into a scene without a bunch of extra attributes. I will be using these jets in several levels so I wanted to keep it simple.
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    Well your gonna have to put some work into in, not everything can just be dragging in one behavior...

    Particles are your best bet, play around with them
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