Viewer loading on mac mini not iPhone

tcla75tcla75 Member Posts: 71
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi can you help me here went though the steps of assigning iphone in provisions and all the other steps in Viewer Tutorial but I launch viewer and click preview on iphone in GS it only lists my mac and a picture of an iphone loads the game in GS. Has this happened to anyone before?


  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    That because you have installed the viewer to the simulator and not your device. You need to watch the video again cause you have missed some steps.
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    Where it says simulator top left you need to switch that to device. Make sure it's set to debug and release as well
  • tcla75tcla75 Member Posts: 71
    It looks like I missed a step somewhere alright. I was using GameSaladCookbook Viewer Tutorial but that must have been made with an old version of xcode because the current version's menu system is totally different.
  • tcla75tcla75 Member Posts: 71
    Ok so I went through it again and I am having the same problem when I click on build it says
    No provisioned iOS devices are available. Connect an iOS device or choose an iOS simulator as the destination.

    In the tutorial you can see that it asks you to click Code signing identity any OS

    but as you can see in the new xcode below

    that option is not there anymore so I clicked on what I taught it should be in the new version. Is anyone using the new version of xcode? Are there different steps to take?
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    i see code sigining identity on both pictures you posted. Also your device has to be plugged in, and set up for develeopment with the the provision profile you made for the viewer and such
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    In Xcode select the organiser ( top right icon) and under devices you should see your iPhone with a little green indicator icon, what do you have listed under provisioning profiles.
  • tcla75tcla75 Member Posts: 71
    Hi guys thanks for the advice. Rob2 I looked organizer and there was a yellow dot next to my device. Never even knew about that part of the steps. Got it working now and it looks great on the iphone. Thanks all again.
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