Customizing Text Displays with a "-"
I want to make a cool little feature that when a player/enemy gets shot the amount of life lost will hover by the enemy/player for a second or two. Also, if the player uses a health pack the amount of life gained will hover by the player for a second or two...
How to do customize the Display Text behavior to display something like "-7" or "+12" etc.
I can figure out how to do game.attributes for the value of life lost/gained, I just don't know how to make the "-" or "+" show up WITH the game.attribute for the life gained/lost.
How to do customize the Display Text behavior to display something like "-7" or "+12" etc.
I can figure out how to do game.attributes for the value of life lost/gained, I just don't know how to make the "-" or "+" show up WITH the game.attribute for the life gained/lost.
think you do this:
"+" (ie the fixed text is in the " " followed by ..
here are some others:
EDIT: as a side note and perhaps someone can help .. I can't get a space to appear in that setup.
I'd like to know how to do a space. I don't need it, but it would be great to know how.