Toddler Mode. An Idea to pass on to everyone.
Member Posts: 1,828
I was telling TSB about a idea I had. Since he though it was a good idea. I thought Id pass it on. Lets Talk "Parents". I own a Ipad and my 2 yr old son can use it 10x better than my wife, and she knows how to use it. He opens, finds, starts, and resets any game he wants to play. I noticed him playing " Red Balls of Goo" by utopian games. HE LOVES IT. Problem is he isnt good enough to understand the physics and cant control the ball very well. So he dies every 5-10 secs. Luckily.. hitting the reset button and starting it all over again doesnt bother him. But Im sure it would other kids. So those kids would be bugging mom and dad every 30 secs to reset the game. Then it hit me. Toddler Mode. They cant die. Toddlers do not care about the strategy of the game. They do not care about getting a better score than before. They simpley like making the hero actor of the game, move here and there. Jump here and there. Hear the sound of the missle being launched..etc etc ..etc. So my idea, that Im throwing your way is this. Add a completely seperate option in the game. Easy,Intermediate,Hard, Murder,....and Toddler. Even have a lil link explaining why you added this. Id even mention it in the itunes description in BOLD LETTERS. PARENTs PLEASE READ.
So what ya think? Im sure someone has added this in a game somewhere. But I have yet to come across the many games that I have on my devices " free and paid" that has one.
Maybe GS games devs can be the first to start a trend... Angry Birds might use.
So what ya think? Im sure someone has added this in a game somewhere. But I have yet to come across the many games that I have on my devices " free and paid" that has one.
Maybe GS games devs can be the first to start a trend... Angry Birds might use.
When I noticed this I started having them "test" my game(The Flinglings) and you are right the only thing they want to do is make the monster move and change into a different monster... The real goal is find and get to mama.
So I think you are on to something
Seems like it would very much depend on which game to add a 'toddler' mode to. And, it would very much depend on the user. If the user is a 30 y/o guy without kids, then toddler mode is a worthless feature. But if he's a 30 y/o guy with 2 toddlers then a toddler feature is an incredible feature.
However, I like you're idea. Great concept and incredible "thinking outside the box," but until you get "user data" to really include that feature, it seems like an unnecessary addition to games.
Now, if Apple found some way to collect user data (like Facebook does) and you could target users with toddlers then this would be a fantastic use of time (creating attributes for toddler mode, creating images and icons to set 'toddler mode', etc).
I'm not saying it's a bad idea, it's one of those things that a game should be released and then after some time on the market (when parents realize their toddlers enjoy playing it) the feature is added to it.
OR, it could be one of those shameless in-app purchases to add to the game. Like, for ANOTHER $0.99 you can add toddler mode... :-) A parent might be willing to pay a buck to have their toddler push a screen for an hour to two. ;-)
- Alex
Dont get me wrong. Its not for every game. But if you could see your game catching the eyes of a toddler. The music, the sound effects the animation making them want to touch the ipad. Then without it you will sell what you sell. With it...... you might pick up a few more sales from people who are parents.
Oh and yes my Missle Command style game will have a toddler mode where the citys dont explode. The toddler just sets there and touched the screen shooting missles into the air making explosions.
1- Can you make toddler mode more for EVERYONE? Like "playground mode"? that way you can't die, and you just mess around. although the "toddler" name attracts the idea.
2- Is there another name besides TODDLER mode? Like playground mode? or something. I am using this idea btw! thanks! I love it. I always love playground modes. to just mess around and stuff.
If only you could get a penny for every game sold with toddler mode . . .
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