Going over 20mb or Not?

XpandemicXpandemic Member Posts: 157
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I was wondering if going over 20mb really mattered at all when making your games and I found something interesting.

Almost half of the Top 25 Paid Games in the app store are over 20mb(11 games to be exact). So what do you guys think? Would you go over or play it safe and keep it under 20mb?

(20mb is the maximum download size for iPhones on the network, I think?)

Personally I would go over to add more content into my games, but not too much haha :D


  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    iPad games - don't care

    iPhone games - if I can keep it under I will, but not at the expense of what I want to do.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    jonmulcahy said:
    iPad games - don't care

    iPhone games - if I can keep it under I will, but not at the expense of what I want to do.


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  • ScootsScoots Member Posts: 507
    Depends, if you can get it under 20mb without anything suffering then great. But if you need to make major changes or give up stuff that you like having in the game then I wouldn't. If it's a good game the size isn't going to matter imo.
  • ozboybrianozboybrian PRO Posts: 2,102
    I think 20 meg if you can get away with it cause it's a bigger market.
    But sometimes the perfect game needs more then 20 meg. : )
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  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    Depends. For example right now i have a BG psd file i save it on .png format and the file size amazed me coz its 600KB. I save it in .jpeg and it only end up 109KB. I tried both of the image and the jpeg quality really sucks as you could see the artifact clearly on retina display. So i ended up using the .png format even though its really BIG. If removing some resources wont affect your gameplay or the aesthetic value of your game i guess you can keep it under 20megs.
  • MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
    I Prefer to make them smaller or equal to 20 mb.
    Have you ever tried to download an App, and could´t do it because you where on 3G and not wifi?
    I has happen to me and i haven´t download the game..

    Of course it depends on game… If its a huge and amazing game.. of course you can go over 20 mb.


  • XpandemicXpandemic Member Posts: 157
    Thanks for your contribution guys!

    looks like its a tie; I don't have an iPhone so I've never experienced downloading an app thats over 20mb but you have to consider that there's lots of wifi hotspots and almost everyone has home internet.

    I'll look for any statistics around the subject and post them here
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