My first app releasing soon. Video to view

CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)

ALmost done. a few more images and audio. But this give you a idea of its look and feel.


  • ShaneS429ShaneS429 Member Posts: 77
    I am guessing this is a sort of children's educational app?

    My only critique would be the colors from :42sec and on.

    Orange has a brown feel, white is grey, and pink has more of a purple shade. could be the video but I wouldn't want kids to start calling a silver car white.

    Other than that it looks great and congrats on your first app!
  • ozboybrianozboybrian PRO Posts: 2,102
    Good on ya man, releasing an app before me ... :P haha good job. : )
  • philcrifophilcrifo Member Posts: 13
    i agree on the colors, you have to change that
  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    yeah working on that now
  • simo103simo103 Member, PRO Posts: 1,331
    I would center the text and numbers so they look like the colours part.
  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    they arent centered because each letter will have a image with it.. A will have a Apple...B will have a butterfly.... C will have Carrots etc etc. I havent added the images yet.
  • simo103simo103 Member, PRO Posts: 1,331
    Jeffnichols said:
    they arent centered because each letter will have a image with it.. A will have a Apple...B will have a butterfly.... C will have Carrots etc etc. I havent added the images yet.

    ah .. cool!
  • StusAppsStusApps Member, PRO Posts: 1,352

    Just watched the video and wanted to give a little feedback. In my other life I am an primary school teacher and we are investing quite heavily in iOS devices and apps currently.

    This app falls into many of the traps that educational apps made by non-teachers tend to. I'll list a few below:

    - The letter 'a' is not using a font that shows the written form, it is a typed one.
    - You have used words written in capital letters throughout the app, again a big no no
    - Purpose is unclear, are you trying to teach what the colors and numbers are? In which case a child at that level won't be able to read it. If they can read it then they are well past learning the names of colors and numbers. <-- This is the most important thing.
    - Learning the alphabet and A,B,Cs is long since past as an educational concept. You should be focussing on the phonic sounds of the letters. Your example choices of words seem to be a bit random (butterfly, carrots, etc..). The multi-syllable words you are planning should be associated with the blend sounds, not basic consonant and vowel sounds.
    - Your app needs speech (voice over) through the entire thing. Really young children who would be learning these things need non-written instruction and prompts. Put in a few written words to build some recognition, but don't rely on it.

    If you are looking to make a useful education app then it needs some thought as to what it is trying to do. It's very easy to assume that by putting in basic numbers, colors and ABCs that it is educationally useful.
  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    I got the idea from the " Your child can read " and all the " baby einstein" dvds. Nothing is in written form. Tons of images used in the dvds are more than 3 syllables. There is a mixture of Capital and lower case letters used in the dvds. And I am adding audio to everything. The video is not showing the finished product. My son just turned 2 and can point out all the colors, numbers and ABC's. He can also read a lot of words. Such as moon, cup,planet,shoe, toes, knees. He can see a image of something and say what it is. The slidable flash cards show a image of a gorilla with the word gorilla and the words start with Captial letters and the rest lower case. Basically the app is for a kid to push buttons, see shapes, hear what the shapes are called. What color the shape is. The numbers will have the numbers spelled under it along with examples. 3 Three there are 3 triangles. A- A is for apple .. the apple is red. and so on. . I agree Im no teacher. But I based my choices from the " Your child can read" And " Baby Einstien " DVDs.

    Im not saying there isnt room for some change. But the app is for lil kids who might pick up something as they push the buttons and hear the sounds.
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    Looking great Jeff, pleased to see it all working out so fast.
  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    I'm nowhere finished yet. I'm taking some of the things stus said and re thinking a few things.
  • StusAppsStusApps Member, PRO Posts: 1,352
    Jeffnichols said:
    I got the idea from the " Your child can read " and all the " baby einstein" dvds. Nothing is in written form. Tons of images used in the dvds are more than 3 syllables. There is a mixture of Capital and lower case letters used in the dvds. And I am adding audio to everything. The video is not showing the finished product. My son just turned 2 and can point out all the colors, numbers and ABC's. He can also read a lot of words. Such as moon, cup,planet,shoe, toes, knees. He can see a image of something and say what it is. The slidable flash cards show a image of a gorilla with the word gorilla and the words start with Captial letters and the rest lower case. Basically the app is for a kid to push buttons, see shapes, hear what the shapes are called. What color the shape is. The numbers will have the numbers spelled under it along with examples. 3 Three there are 3 triangles. A- A is for apple .. the apple is red. and so on. . I agree Im no teacher. But I based my choices from the " Your child can read" And " Baby Einstien " DVDs.

    Im not saying there isnt room for some change. But the app is for lil kids who might pick up something as they push the buttons and hear the sounds.

    I guess the video was perhaps not really representative of these things, particularly with no sound.

    Little ones really love the picture and sound touching games, stimulation like that is fantastic.

    I was really just trying to offer some advice to make it stand out from the crowd as there are lots of similar apps in the appstore.

    Baby einstein is an interesting one in itself, what with the recall and refund on their DVDs. But that aside something that promotes word, sound and picture association is good. I would look to finding a good child friendly font though (sassoon primary is great).
  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    Can you send me a link to that font. Yeah I think the Arial font is to much.
  • HadiDaManHadiDaMan Member Posts: 115
    Thats A App for kids/babies right?
  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    HAHAHa...Ive learned a big lesson here. Dont show a video until your done. Or explicity state !!ITS NOT FINISHED !! I sent this video to get more of a artist go ahead. The user interface and such. The basic concept.

    Thanks for the font link sus. I will definatly be using that font style. Id like to send you some image example of my wifes artwork. Possibly get your opinion on what image should represent each letter. A-Apple etc etc.

    Yes its for kids to play with. Hit buttons and hear sounds. Touch "A" Button and hear "A..A is for Apple." There would be the letters "A and a" and a image of a apple. And also the word apple spelled under the image.

    Granted if the child is still learning abcs . There is no harm in associating the word to the image and the sound file.

    My son knows his ABCS, 0-9, basic colors, and shapes. Via watching "Your child can read" and Some of the "Baby Einstein" DVDs. He is reading words that were taught associated with the flash cards in "Your child can read" He did all this by age 1.5

    He loves my ipad. He can use it better than my wife. So I came up with the idea that if he can play with the ipad at 1.5. More kids probably can as well. He and our best friends kids are my test subjects.

    Im not defending off any criticism. I need and want it. I dont want to be seen here as one of those quantity over quality developers. I just felt the video at this stage did more harm than good haha.

    Stus are you on Skype? or yahoo messenger? send me a email if you will to
    finnbogg at me dot com.
  • DrGlickertDrGlickert Member Posts: 1,135
    I would start the video with the scene that says "learning ABC's, 123's"

    Watching it, I was really wondering why you had all those letters, numbers, and colors.

    It took me the entire video to know that it was a learning program for kids.
  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    It does. the screen capture didnt capture . the gray part you see is the part your talking about. hahahahaha
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