Scene Size Scaling and Resolution Independence?
I've grasped the entire idea of Resolution Independence with regards to art and actor sizes and positioning.
I am now working on a menu system. My menu system is 1920x960 which should just be a grid of 4x3 standard scene sizes. As you click certain menu items, the menu scrolls to the various positions and in some parts you can click and drag like a cover flow system.
Since the iPhone 4 will double the pixel amount, will my scene size also get doubled?
I am now working on a menu system. My menu system is 1920x960 which should just be a grid of 4x3 standard scene sizes. As you click certain menu items, the menu scrolls to the various positions and in some parts you can click and drag like a cover flow system.
Since the iPhone 4 will double the pixel amount, will my scene size also get doubled?