How to's on a few different things...??????

edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I made a video of my game. Giving examples of what I'm trying to achieve while asking questions.

PLEASE watch and comment!

also when i tested this game out on my ihphone the tilt accelerometer isn't working!!!???


  • ApplaudAppsApplaudApps Member Posts: 308
    Hi SuperJo,

    In answer to the first problem - spawning only one star at a time.

    What you need is a boolean game attribute, say its called 'released' and its initially set to false (unchecked).

    Then you need a rule (on the button actor) that says when
    1)the push button is touched and
    2) game.released = false
    do : spawn one star and change the game.released attribute to true

    That way only one star will be spawned for now.

    When you have finished with the star either by getting it in the chest or its dead on the floor you need to change the attribute back to false so that the button will spawn again.

    The image problem - you could have a set of images of the treasure chest with one, two, three, multiple stars in it. And then use the change image behavior to change the image accordingly. e.g. when the player gets one star in then delete the star actor and change the chest actor to the image with one star in it.

    I hope this helps as a starter, I'm sure the other guys here will add to it.

    Good luck, Philip.
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