your account does not have the correct permissions

ThePwnicornThePwnicorn Member Posts: 2
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hey guys, been away for a while since they forced the snow leopard update -_-


I came back, put together a mock up program (very small) and tried to publish using the new Mac option to see how the publishing system works. Then I'm hit with this message (which many seem to have had before).

"Your account does not have the correct permissions"

I've tried many of the suggestions already posted. Logging out and in, restarting GS, even going so far as to create a different user name and try that. Absolutely no dice.

I have heard all sorts of talk of "keychains" and what not (all of which is written as if I already know what the balls it all means; extremely unhelpful). I actually had a dialog box pop up first after updating which stated this:

"gamesalad wants to use your confidential information stored in "Gamesalad" in your keychain"

Allow Always Allow Deny

I make it a habit not to store ANYTHING confidential anywhere on any computer and hit "deny" at first.

Since the publishing didn't work, I eventually restarted and tried "Allow". Same result.

In the end I finally hit "Allow Always", and STILL could not publish. Don't know if this is related to the problem but I figured I'd mention it.

I'm pretty disappointed, especially with the information that has been posted on this. The FAQ and support section of this site are completely unhelpful. Not only is much of it outdated, but also it either states things that are completely self-explanatory and not worth posting or it states things that require explanation (such as how to modify/change or deal with this "keychain" business which I'm assuming must be involved with verification of my account) and just assumes you must already know what this all means.

Bottom line.

How do I get this crap working?


  • xyloFUNxyloFUN Member Posts: 1,593
    If everything else failed, you could try creating a new account on here. Just use a different name and it should work (worked for me).

    And besides, with 550000 mostly mute members, no one cares for an extra name that shows up ;)
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    log out out of the gamesalad app
    close it down
    reboot your computer (for kicks, I doubt it will do anything)
    open it up
    click on the login button in the bottom right

    then open your project and try again

    if that still does not work, you might have some account problems, and like xyloFUN said, either create a new account, or just use the contact us page below and send them a ticket
  • ThePwnicornThePwnicorn Member Posts: 2
    Perhaps, you did not read my post (I understand it is long, so I apologize). As I already stated:
    ThePwnicorn said:

    I've tried many of the suggestions already posted. Logging out and in, restarting GS, even going so far as to

    create a different user name
    and try that. Absolutely no dice.

    In short, this IS my new account. It still doesn't work. Any ideas/suggestions?
  • ccbx4321ccbx4321 Member Posts: 43
    Still no word on this eh? Am I missing something? Do I have to subscribe to apple's $99/year program before I can even test this? I'm actually just trying to publish to the mac to see it work (not even the ipod/pad).
  • yoenoeszyoenoesz Member Posts: 42
    yes you have to pay the $99 bucks
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