Mute Button Not Working

iTrojansiTrojans Member Posts: 2
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Ok so at first the mute button worked then when I added music it loops the song really quickly. Also when you click it, it should change to the mute pic but it doesn't.

I'm not sure what I did wrong.


  • iTrojansiTrojans Member Posts: 2
    Here's what I have -

    Rule- When all conditions are valid:

    Actor receives event; mouse button is; down

    Pause Music - This action will pause the music if it's playing.

    Destroy - Destroy this actor.

    Spawn Actor -

    Actor : Actor 19; Layer Order : In Front of Actor
    Direction : 0; Relative to: actor
    Position : >=0, <=0; Relative to : actor
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