Sound ON/OFF Button
Hi All! I have 2 images for a sound icon.. one is off and on. I've watched the tutorial on how to do this but not sure if that only turns off the game music or the music and sound effects all together which I want it to do. Problem I'm having is when I press the button I want it to switch to the graphic of sound of and cut off all the sound completely... but I can't figure how to make it click on the new "nosound" icon I've generated using "change Image" attribute to turn back on the sound and switch the image back to the "soundon" icon. Any ideas? Thanks!
and the device audio sound, youll see a device option in the dropdown for attribute. did you miss it by chance?
Does this look correct?
Just a thought
I think youare missing some knowledge of gamesalad fundamentals. I would suggest you start watching all these youtube tutorials, there is a ton of great stuff, including the answer to the main question of this topic.
then take a look at these demos, pick them apart, see how they work:
if you spend some time and really focus on those, you'll have a great foundation on how to work with GS.
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But hey thats some nice artwork.