Problem performing certain tasks based on attribute
I have 2 Actors
Spawner 1 - Randomly drops (starting from top) 4 different actors every 0.3 sec in random positions. This is based on TSB "Spawning Random Actors in Random Locations..."
For this I have an attribute called "RandomItem"
Spawner 2 - Attribute "RandomItemToMatch" Randomly display similar items from Spawner 2 and change every 5 seconds. This actor is only displayed in 1 a static location on the screen.
Both "RandomItem" and "RandomItemToMatch" are set to integers of 1-4 matching each items.
Everything is working in terms of Spawner 1 dropping and Spawner 2 displayed and rotating images on the screen.
The concept:
When RandomItem and RandomItemToMatch are the same and it collides with my actor (Toast Kitten's Fruit Ninja SlashParticle), it will explode, display a +1 and plays a correct sound.
When RandomItem and RandomItemToMatch are NOT the same and I press on it, it subtracts to my Lives.
Here's the problem. The concept doesn't always work. When I click on a match it sometimes thinks it's the same and works and sometimes subtracts a life.
Here's the rule I have set on the Item actors:
- Accelerate: Direction 270, Acceleration 100, Relative to Actor
- First Rule:
Actor colides with SlashParticle (Toast Kitten's Fruit Ninja sample) and Attribute game.RandomItem = game.RandomItemToMatch
o Play "correct" sound
o Destroy
o Spawn Explosion (another animated actor)
o Accelerate: Direction 90, Acceleration 100, and Relative to Actor
o Spawn Actor "+1" (basically a text image "+1"
- Second Rule (if not exact match):
Actor colides with SlashParticle (Toast Kitten's Fruit Ninja sample) and Attribute game.RandomItem (NOT=) game.RandomItemToMatch
o Play "incorrect" sound
o Change Attribute game.Lives to game.Lives-1
I think I got the rule concept down (or maybe not) but it doesn't seem to be working consistently.
Thanks for all the help and this great community!
Spawner 1 - Randomly drops (starting from top) 4 different actors every 0.3 sec in random positions. This is based on TSB "Spawning Random Actors in Random Locations..."
For this I have an attribute called "RandomItem"
Spawner 2 - Attribute "RandomItemToMatch" Randomly display similar items from Spawner 2 and change every 5 seconds. This actor is only displayed in 1 a static location on the screen.
Both "RandomItem" and "RandomItemToMatch" are set to integers of 1-4 matching each items.
Everything is working in terms of Spawner 1 dropping and Spawner 2 displayed and rotating images on the screen.
The concept:
When RandomItem and RandomItemToMatch are the same and it collides with my actor (Toast Kitten's Fruit Ninja SlashParticle), it will explode, display a +1 and plays a correct sound.
When RandomItem and RandomItemToMatch are NOT the same and I press on it, it subtracts to my Lives.
Here's the problem. The concept doesn't always work. When I click on a match it sometimes thinks it's the same and works and sometimes subtracts a life.
Here's the rule I have set on the Item actors:
- Accelerate: Direction 270, Acceleration 100, Relative to Actor
- First Rule:
Actor colides with SlashParticle (Toast Kitten's Fruit Ninja sample) and Attribute game.RandomItem = game.RandomItemToMatch
o Play "correct" sound
o Destroy
o Spawn Explosion (another animated actor)
o Accelerate: Direction 90, Acceleration 100, and Relative to Actor
o Spawn Actor "+1" (basically a text image "+1"
- Second Rule (if not exact match):
Actor colides with SlashParticle (Toast Kitten's Fruit Ninja sample) and Attribute game.RandomItem (NOT=) game.RandomItemToMatch
o Play "incorrect" sound
o Change Attribute game.Lives to game.Lives-1
I think I got the rule concept down (or maybe not) but it doesn't seem to be working consistently.
Thanks for all the help and this great community!
Anyone has any idea what I'm talking about or maybe I need to explain further?
Thanks again.