25+ Interpolate......Or Physics?
Hey all. I haven't posted in a while(Been sooo Busy), but I have a question for you all.
I am working on a game where there are multiple actors in the scene, like 25 plus. They are stacked like a bejeweled game. Does it make sense to use 25 + interpolates, and a grid system, or just turn physics on. I'm pretty sure that physics makes more sense, but what are your thoughts?
I am working on a game where there are multiple actors in the scene, like 25 plus. They are stacked like a bejeweled game. Does it make sense to use 25 + interpolates, and a grid system, or just turn physics on. I'm pretty sure that physics makes more sense, but what are your thoughts?
Sorry for jumping in, but I'm also curious about this.
I have a game I've been working on and have optimized it the best I can, but will not be able to get the game to work without "move" being on for about 20 or so actors. I only need the "move" behaviour. I would test it myself on my iPhone, but if the game is not going to perform well then i'm just throwing away money on a dev license.
How big of an impact does it have on performance when move is used? Does that go for all devices? Including iPhone 4?
It's not done, but i'm worried about the performance hit. I'm considering abandoning this or switching to corona.
Here's a video: