Protect your cock!

BackUpAndDownBackUpAndDown Member Posts: 685
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I was considering making a game that was kinda like a tower defence style game but with a unique building/battle system. After thinking about the plot and spending some time designing some characters I came up with a few cool chicken designs. I was just curious if apple would allow a game called "Protect your cock". The word cock of corse referring to the male chicken that your trying to protect and not the alternative meaning.

Is apple really picky about stuff like that?

P.s. I've also been considering "Cock block" as an alternative name.


  • capitalcarnagecapitalcarnage Member Posts: 371
    Although a risky move on my work computer I just googled Cock and i rekon you will be fine.

    First Hit was wikipedia and was refering to bird
    second hit however wasnt of the most child friendly nature
  • patrick6987patrick6987 Member Posts: 66
    I'M hoping they allow cock as well as i have some games lined up as well with the word cock although if they say no i will simply swap the images with a monkey and call it "spank your monkey instead" so hopefully they accept
  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    Hmm, when it comes down to it you have a good case on your hands if they do prevent it, as:

    A male bird, especially a domestic fowl; Male chicken or other gallinaceous bird;

    Nothing wrong with it I don't reckon.

  • okimokiokimoki Member Posts: 159
    Nothing wrong with the word Cock in that context..
  • BackUpAndDownBackUpAndDown Member Posts: 685
    Awesome, now I just hope apple will feel the same way. lol
  • AquariusAquarius Member Posts: 282
    pussy means cat. bitch is female dog. ass is donkey...

    ::runs away giggling::
  • BackUpAndDownBackUpAndDown Member Posts: 685
    Aquarius said:
    pussy means cat. bitch is female dog. ass is donkey...

    ::runs away giggling::

    True... I think "Bitch slap the pussy ass cock" would be the perfect name for a game to teach preschoolers about animals. (or about tourettes)
  • EdwardFEdwardF Member Posts: 27
    If Apple gets squeamish about the "double-entendre", and rejects the app based on the name - I would recommend:

    1) Keep everything the same - leaving the "rooster" elements intact.

    2) Add (or emphasize) a TIMER element with a large stylistic Clock Face and a Ticking sound as part of your game.

    3) Rename your game, "Clock Block". (Everyone will still get it, yet it can hardly be called offensive.)

    4) Profit
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