Display Custom Font for High Score

dre38wdre38w Member Posts: 79
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have a custom font by use of Actors and images. I'm using that change the image according to the points gained method. I have two problems with that though. One it loops back around to zero when it reaches its max. And the big and most important thing is how to use that custom font to display my high score record when the game ends? Any help? Thank you.


  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    hey dre38w,

    check out these tutorial videos on custom scoring. The third one deals with custom fonts, but they all have good information that might help you:

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    Part 3:

    Part 4:

    Be sure to watch all the videos over there, there is a ton of good information.
  • dre38wdre38w Member Posts: 79
    Thank you! Only thing is, that is the exact method I already have. What I'm actually trying to do is get that font to display the high score not the current score. Custom font for the best score which is displayed after the game ends. I could easily place all those images there but there will be several unnecessary zeros.

    Also when my score reaches 9 all the way across (probably not going to be done all too often but just to be fail safe) it rolls back all the numbers to zero.

    Sorry for the misunderstanding.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    you need to make a new set of font characters the call on a high score attribute instead of the current score attribute.

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  • dre38wdre38w Member Posts: 79
    Sorry I still think we aren't understanding each other. I want the custom font to be for the high score AFTER the game is beaten or ended not the current in game score. I understand how to work everything, and everything is working, it's just displaying that high score with a custom font.

    Also, GsLover, that link, if you were to click enough times to max out that number it'll loop itself. Although I'm really not worried about that because I almost want to be sure that not many will make it to the max. But you never know with gamers these days.
  • dre38wdre38w Member Posts: 79
    Also, tendrdrmer, placing those characters there would work but it would look odd if there are several empty zeros if the player hasn't gotten that high in points. Is there any other way to do that?
  • NewFrontGamesNewFrontGames Member Posts: 22
    set up a boolean and call it end of game. Have your custom high score font change to the current score if the boolean is true and the game score is higher than the high score. The only problem you might have is if the score goes directly to zero. Then you will have to have that score be saved and then compared to the high score. you can still have it work like Tshirtbooth showed you just have the attribute check its self after the game ends instead of constraining it. If you have any questions or want an example i believe i understand what you are talking about and could through an example together for you.
  • NewFrontGamesNewFrontGames Member Posts: 22
    Here i think this is what you were looking for.


    Also, check out my games.

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  • dre38wdre38w Member Posts: 79
    Yeah that's what I want. But that's how I already knew how to do it. I wanted to eliminate those extra zeros. But if that's the only way to display best high score custom font then that's what I must do. Thank you all for the help! Much appreciation.
  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    To make the leading zeroes invisible until they are needed, just put a Rule into each of the digit instances:

    If game.score < 10
    .....Change Attribute: self.alpha To 0
    .....Change Attribute: self.alpha To 1


    If game.score < 100
    .....Change Attribute: self.alpha To 0
    .....Change Attribute: self.alpha To 1


    If game.score < 1000
    .....Change Attribute: self.alpha To 0
    .....Change Attribute: self.alpha To 1

  • NewFrontGamesNewFrontGames Member Posts: 22
    Hey that is a good idea firemaple i never thought of using it that way it just has never really dawned on me. Sweet, new concept to use.
  • dre38wdre38w Member Posts: 79
    Oh! Thank you, firemaplegames! So simple. Much appreciated.
  • TigrisLiTigrisLi Member Posts: 19
    What is the "alpha", is it a attribute and if yes, which one?

  • 921creative921creative Member, PRO Posts: 140
    It is a Color attribute. You have Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha. Alpha can be 0 for invisible, all the way up to 1 for no transparency. 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 etc. for various percentages of opacity.
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