Storyline vs. Just Gameplay
Do you think games that have a story line sell better or are more fun to play than games without storylines?
Pac-man didn't really have to much of a story--just ghosts, and a eating circle.
Mappy (remember that?) did have a storyline--you're a policemouse, catching criminals.
Which do you prefer?
Pac-man didn't really have to much of a story--just ghosts, and a eating circle.
Mappy (remember that?) did have a storyline--you're a policemouse, catching criminals.
Which do you prefer?
For Desktop games, I think the opposite is true most times. People won't mind a backstory they can involve themselves with, and take on that RP role.
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If there are character's in your game, there should be some sense of context to why they're there, why they're doing what they're doing and for what purpose or goal. It doesn't have to be elaborate, but some bit context is required IMO when you have characters.
If there aren't any characters, than no context is required.