Is There A Specific Time To Select "Resolution Independence"?

dazzlemedazzleme Member Posts: 152
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
When creating a resolution independent app, I understand images need to be created at twice the desired size, but I have not found an answers to this questions yet, and would appreciate your help understanding:

Does "Enable Resolution Independence" need to be checked BEFORE any images are added to the GameSalad project, or can I check the box at any time before publishing? I ask because when you hover over the checkbox on the main GameSalad screen, it says "When enabled new actors will be half the size of imported images". That's got me wondering if the instructions are literal and you have to check the box before you add the images to GameSalad and to the actors in GameSalad.

Thanks for your help!


  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    It would be best to check it now. Otherwise you will likely have unwanted resizing somewhere along the way. I changed over half way through a game once and when I was swapping art I had a lot of sizing messed up That was several versions ago so maybe its not as bad but why wait if you plan to use it.
  • dazzlemedazzleme Member Posts: 152
    Thanks tenrdrmer, I agree about checking the box now. I was really wondering about the images already tied to actors and how those will be affected, but suppose I'll find out soon enough, won't I. ;)
  • dazzlemedazzleme Member Posts: 152
    Okay, question answered. I checked "resolution independence" and my high res images looked fine, while the standard res images looked a little blurry. Results from my experience: doesn't matter when you check the box as long as you do it before publishing.
  • mangaroomangaroo Member Posts: 419
    thanks for clarifying dazzleme, I always wondered about that!
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    dazzleme said:
    while the standard res images looked a little blurry.

    Are your images powers of 2?

    As an example, a 64x64 image should scale better than a 65x63 image.
  • dazzlemedazzleme Member Posts: 152
    Yes, both my hi and regular-res images are powers of two.
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