menu screen help

I need some help on how to improve my main menu screen. Heres a screenshot:

The ball bounces up and down, and when you click on it it changes color (same as it does within the game)
How can I make it more flashy
The title is going to need to be changed, And I am going to add clouds to the background, i just haven't gotten around to that yet

The ball bounces up and down, and when you click on it it changes color (same as it does within the game)
How can I make it more flashy
The title is going to need to be changed, And I am going to add clouds to the background, i just haven't gotten around to that yet
- Add an "r" to the word "instructions".
- For "play", instructions", and "about", make them look like a button by at least adding a border around them with a colored fill as the background
- It appears you want the user to click on your character. To me, that would signal that I should click to play the game. However, you also have "play" on the screen. This sends a conflicting message on which I should click on to play. Maybe that's just me, but it's how I register it.
- Make the title a little smaller. When it goes clear to the edge of the screen, it look crowded.
Good luck with your modifications!
let me know what you think!
As for the instructions im going to include them with in the levels
the ball was skippy because of the simulator so i recorded it on gamesalad. do you mean is far in the background and the move forward? or jumping back and forth?
Im not sure how to accomplish this so if you do, let me know.
As for the color, i have it set so when you click the ball the image changes. So i might need to do some tweeking....