Jagged edges

freerangeeggheadsfreerangeeggheads Member Posts: 19
I created a few graphics in my "game" I'm using to try out GS and I'm doing something wrong.

They are simple white shapes with black borders. I created the file at 326 dpi for the retina display and saved them as PNG-8 with transparency and no dither. When I load the files they look fine but when I run them in the simulator they look jaggedy, not smooth and pretty at all.

Is this just because of the simulator? I don't have a developer's license yet to test it on my phone and I can't get one for awhile, so I'm wondering if someone with more experience can tell me if those settings are wrong. I checked the cookbook but I could only find information for full images, and hints to save as a transparent PNG, which I did. Thanks! :)


  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    all images need to be saved as 72 dpi
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    As JP says all images need to be 72dpi (although dpi is a print setting and should not effect display size etc) but you may also have a problem with your transparency (Alpha).

    You will get better results with transparency saving as PNG24 as this gives you 256 levels of transparency.

    (unless you use something like ImageAlpha http://pornel.net/imagealpha to convert your images which allows multiple alpha levels in an 8bit file)
  • freerangeeggheadsfreerangeeggheads Member Posts: 19
    okay, so i just need to change my output settings to 72 dpi and png24? Awesome thanks guys! :)
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