Saving High Score is resetting

bluebyu25bluebyu25 Member Posts: 500
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey guys

I have a load and save attribute for my highscore. On my splash an actor loads and it works all fine and good except...

Lets say you dont use the app for 12-13 hours. Then you tap it and it loads up the gamesalad splash screen (I dont have pro) and everything is now reset, including the highscore. It works fine if you close the app and reopen so long as it is relatively recent.

Anyway to fix this? Just noticed it and my app is being reviewed and I am sure people will rage about this if I dont provide a fix asap


  • mangaroomangaroo Member Posts: 419
    Sounds a bit worrying, anyone else experienced this that can chime in? I'm just about to start working on a saving the high score myself
  • bluebyu25bluebyu25 Member Posts: 500
    Ya it worries me because I am pretty certain I set up the load/save atts like you need to
  • dazzlemedazzleme Member Posts: 152
    Have you assigned a key to the load attribute? I'd go through your rules and actors again. It sounds like you've gone through the steps, but probably missed something little somewhere along the way. In the past I've experienced the same thing you talk about here, and it's always been something little that I missed.

    Any game will pick up in the same place from where you quit the app, even if you don't have save and load attributes set up. It's when you hard quit the game or power off and then on your device that you loose the saved score. That's why I suggest you carefully look through everything you've done for something that was missed. It doesn't sound like something is "broken", it's just not working to begin with cause of a missing piece.
  • freerangeeggheadsfreerangeeggheads Member Posts: 19
    In college during my fourth semester of computer science we had a major project due on node based database management. My team and I worked on it for weeks. We finally got it all done only to discover about a day before it was due that it was freezing in a bad spot. Hundreds or possibly thousands of lines of code and it was freezing. The debugger was useless. We scanned code for hours, watched an entire night pass, pouring over line after line after line. About 6 pizzas and eight gallons of coffee later we discovered we had left out a semicolon on the end of an almost useless line inside an almost useless function.

    Programming's a b**** sometimes. ;)
  • bluebyu25bluebyu25 Member Posts: 500
    Amen ^

    Objective C is a pain, I dont care if it is just a mere extension of C or not, it sucks lol

    One of the reasons I love GS
  • konpavloskonpavlos Member Posts: 17
    i think there is a tut for this one on @tshirt commant
    note it somewhere
  • dazzlemedazzleme Member Posts: 152
  • JeffreyShimaneJeffreyShimane Member Posts: 372
    I agree with dazzleme about checking all your load/save attributes. From the sounds of your description, it sounds like your load/save system is not working at all. It just appears to be working in the short term because the app is still in memory (i.e. not reset). After many hours, it's probably being bumped out of the multitasking manager so the next time you open it, everything is reset.

    How is your load/save system setup? Where have you put your load/save attributes?
  • bluebyu25bluebyu25 Member Posts: 500
    Found out what it was. I had my load attribute behavior on my logo in my splash screen earlier in development. Later on I decided against that one and instead of changing the image on my text actor I made an entire new one, and forgot to put the load attribute on it. Fixed it now. Wupps!
  • freerangeeggheadsfreerangeeggheads Member Posts: 19
    It's always something that makes you kick yourself later! lol
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