GameSalad Crash when publish my project

hi all , this is not my first publish , but is the first with 110.3 mb size and when i publish it gamesalad crash and close.All appen after the youtube link video request (i dont insert any link) i click next and gamesalad crash.
What i can do ? i never find a limit of size in the project and i've make other publish of 30-40 mb and all is go ok.
Pls help i really need to publish this game.
Thank all.
What i can do ? i never find a limit of size in the project and i've make other publish of 30-40 mb and all is go ok.
Pls help i really need to publish this game.
Thank all.
Stats change it depend on the scene but all works fine.
here an example from first level of the game :
Frame per seconds : 60.08
images: 39.8 mb
sound: 3.3 mb
game engine: 16.8
other: 13.9
total: 74.3
If not, what are you testing on? An iPhone 4? Have you tested it on older hardware?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Please help on this problem , i've no other , games work Perfect on devices.
so the problems is the size , but there is no written anywhere that gamesalad have this limit , please fix it as fast as possible , i spend 4 months in this project !
you can check a video of the game here :
The game is Dagon's Sword.
GAMESALAD crash when i try to PUBLISH IT , is this clear ?
The size i write 110MB is the Project size on disk , not in ram , and if i reduce this size , deleting some game part since size become 50 mb the gamesalad publish process work ok , and the game work great on iphone , but i've only half game.
So the problem is the size , it seems the gamesalad have some bug that cant handle 100 MB project when publish it , i ask for a fix or a solution to this problem , nothing related to ram problem or something else.
That's all.
Hope GS fix this problem ! its urgent
Anyways to do this manually with Xcode? there should be a fail save in here somewhere.
Every now and then gives me the error "The server is experiencing problems publishing Gamesalad. Please try again later."
Please solve this problem!!
Can they fix this problem please...
GameSalad Game > Publish > select iPhone option *crashes every time at this point
The same thing happens to me! Please fix this!
I just got GameSalad, so this is probably the case...