work around for sound volume glitching/clicking
I have been having problems with sounds/music clicking when played and using volume of the sample to cut them off rather than game volume/sound as I wanted to have a number of tracks and sounds that I could control individually. I discovered that the volume adjustment runs to at least 3 decimal places. By having the volume set to 0.001 rather than zero for silencing the sound this sorts it out and the sound cannot be heard on any device I have been testing on or on the mac.
Sorry if this has been posted before but I couldn't find a reference on my searches.
Cheers Kipper
Sorry if this has been posted before but I couldn't find a reference on my searches.
Cheers Kipper
I haven't experienced the clicking issue before but will keep this in mind if I do
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Clips if it's shut off too quickly, not just in GS but with a lot of things, it's the software and amp responding to the sudden stop of all sound
cheers lads
Ace- What was that? Still not right since a Ramones gig in 83
p.s I wish GS had a tone filter with control. Then you could build a synth
I'm pretty sure that the powers of 2 rule doesn't include sound, just image pixels, it's not the size of the image, just pixel width and height so 'should' be okay with any sized audio.
I am doing trem in my little sound app, but you are right and if you did that you would get beat frequencies that richen stuff up. If you would like to have look at my weird app pm me your email I send you the file.
they should look like this if they are in tune:
NOTE 1: ../\/\/\/\..
NOTE 2: ../\/\/\/\..
If they are slightly out, you get this:
NOTE 1: ../\/\/\/\....
NOTE 2: ..../\/\/\/\..
The note cancels itself in and out so you get a wobble.
My email is
I'm away until tomorrow recording but I will definitely take a look at it tomorrow.
I have an interest in sound apps myself. See my "Radarhead" on YouTube
(and the recent, soundless CyberGoth)
It's too good to use it for just "games", right? ;-) There are all kinds of possibilities here...
Unity 3d does have filters, I think, but that's a different, more complex animal
Franz, I looked at your Radarhead. Cool app! For me Unity is a outside of my comfort zone currently. I do think that a few more sound functions in GS would open it up to being a tool for a wider group of users, but they have wishes from so many quarters that I doubt that it is high on their list of priorities. If midi was in there with functions to sync to other apps on the device or wifi... Well we can dream, but in the meanwhile I shall content myself with doing the possible with what is available (and I can beat into submission with my feeble mind).
I built a matrix sequencer-16X16 cells detecting collisions of passing actors that are traveling at a fixed tempo/speed to fire sounds) in GS that ran fine on the mac but falls over on devices once you run above about a quarter of the cells filled (ipad 1). I have now redesigned it so it is not using collisions for firing the sounds and it working pretty well. Took some thought and work to get going though. Just wish the arrays were here and now.