Random is not Random

GamexcbGamexcb Member Posts: 179
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I thought that Gamesalad did not have the repeat effect that you have when you code with any language. It appears that extra coding has not been placed to stop the same numbers from coming up every time in the same order. This needs to be fixed as soon as possible so complex AI can be implemented fully.


  • ktfrightktfright Member Posts: 964
    Are you sure, my random is fine. I didn't notice anything.
  • ccbx4321ccbx4321 Member Posts: 43
    I'm not sure if this is the case, but other game engines I have worked with have a "fixed seeding" option which will spawn in the same manner each time so it's easier for the coder to test. It's not supposed to randomize like that when you actually run the final game from the ipod or site though. I have noticed a bit of things randomizing in the same order in the previewer, but what I find odd is if I go change something in the code and run the preview again sometimes the order will change up.

    Again, I have not yet tested on the ipod touch or uploaded my projects to the site for playing. Have you tried running your projects in this manner to see if it makes a difference?
  • GamexcbGamexcb Member Posts: 179
    No still there...
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    I have also noticed this. If I use random in two different spawner actors with two different ranges I seem to get actors spawned in a pattern. So actor one may get spawned randomly but actor two spawns the same amount of time AFTER spawner one. So overall it is random but the relationship between the two is not random. If was thinking of creating a actor attribute in each actor called randomtime and have a timer that changes randomtime every 10 seconds. Then instead of use random(min,max) I would just put this new attribute into the timers. However the new attribute is being changed to a "random" number by the random(min,max) in the other timer. So I am hoping that because it is being changed every 10 seconds this actor attribute will be random and uniquely random compared to other actors.

    This might be the most confusing post I have ever left. Never post to forum during a new years party!
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