thomasrichardgamesthomasrichardgames Member Posts: 263
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
hi, i have recently been working on an update and added some more levels, they were working fine but now they are not, all the actors in the screen freeze, some move at the start but then they freeze aswell.
(to make the new levels i used the old levels as templates e.g i copied and paste an old level and changed it into a new level)

please help thanks!


  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    SuzyAnn525 said:
    hi, i have recently been working on an update and added some more levels, they were working fine but now they are not, all the actors in the screen freeze, some move at the start but then they freeze aswell.
    (to make the new levels i used the old levels as templates e.g i copied and paste an old level and changed it into a new level)

    please help thanks!

    do you have any broken rule?
  • thomasrichardgamesthomasrichardgames Member Posts: 263
    nope, i dont think so
  • QuinnZoneStudiosQuinnZoneStudios Member Posts: 452
    Tempting as it may be, don't panic. I assume the first original level still works fine.
    As Calvin stated, you no doubt have a rule in there that's not happy. Take the next scene and go into each rule and double check the details. Something is most likely missing that didn't copy over.
    One thing that keeps catching me out is the "any" VS "all" option in the rules. Gets me every time. If you can reverse engineer the problem and weed put the bad rule, chances are it's the same in all your other scenes.
    Hope you can find it soon. Good luck with it.

  • thomasrichardgamesthomasrichardgames Member Posts: 263
    the first original level works excellent, its from levels 49-64(the ones i copied) and levels 65-80 (the new levels) ... i will go through each one to see if their is a problem and if it dosent work i will reply back! thanks!
  • thomasrichardgamesthomasrichardgames Member Posts: 263
    all the rules are fine .. it like the levels have become images
  • ApplaudAppsApplaudApps Member Posts: 308
    have you deleted an attribute thats refered to in one of the new levels. I've noticed a few game crashes when I've deleted an attribute and you have a behaviour in an actor with a blank field.
  • thomasrichardgamesthomasrichardgames Member Posts: 263
    all the rules are and attributes are there, its just when i seem to preview it, the first 3 sets of levels are fine but then the next 2 sets dont work at all, non of the buttons work or anything, its like its become an image, frozen!
  • old_kipperold_kipper Member Posts: 1,420
    Is there an unlock system in the game that is somehow dependant on the number of scenes? I am not sure how this would muck up scenes before the new copied scenes but it might just be possible. I have not seen anything that works in a way that checks number of scenes, but if there was it might be mucked up by adding new copied scenes.
  • ApplaudAppsApplaudApps Member Posts: 308
    do you set a boolean attribute at the end of a working level that you're not unsetting before starting one of the new levels e.g. that stops acting moving at end of level?
  • thomasrichardgamesthomasrichardgames Member Posts: 263
    something went wring when i copied it, dont know what but when i deleted the copies, the game ran properly again ... all sorted now, thanks for the help gamesalad community!
  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    SuzyAnn525 said:
    something went wring when i copied it, dont know what but when i deleted the copies, the game ran properly again ... all sorted now, thanks for the help gamesalad community!

    a reply after a month?


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