working with Display Text
Is it possible to display multiple attributes, with some static text, in a single display text actor? I want to display time, which requires 3 attributes, hours, minutes and seconds. I'd like to just display it like this:
hours : minutes : seconds
Would that be possible?
hours : minutes : seconds
Would that be possible?
now just to figure out this % symbol, it aint working right.
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So far I was unsuccessful (even tried inserting a return in a text attribute)
I have a question about jonmulcalhy answer. Why can't I add spaces to the text between "" ?. I'd like to display something like "You have "" lives left" but I can't insert spaces between quotation marks. What am I missing?
for a return: .."\n"..
EX: gameAttribute1.."\n"..gameAttribute2.."\n"..gameAttribute3 … etc.
think "\r" might work for a return … but I like newLine "\n"
@};- MH
\b back space
\f form feed
\n newline
\r carriage return
\t horizontal tab
\v vertical tab
\\ backslash
\" double quote
\' single quote
I like pie and.."\n"..I like apples
add noteBehavior
type in:
I like pie
I like apples
copy those 2 lines … paste in Text: for displayText
note that the newLine is there without command
or you can just type in that Text field using [option]+[return] for newLine
have copied formatted text from textEdit and pasted in displayText
and formatting stayed (ex: bullets)
but in expressionEditor where you want an attribute's value then you should use the "\n"
play around with it!