How do I download the templates?
This may seem like a ridiculous question but, how do i download the templates that are on here?
I can view the examples on safari but how do I download the template to see how its all out together?
I can view the examples on safari but how do I download the template to see how its all out together?
at least i don't think they are for sale.
this kind of thing for example.
maybe I'm wrong maybe we do have to pay for these. or maybe i"m just not seeing the 'download' button.
that makes sense.
these TSB templates are not found in the GS 'new' field, which is strange as TSB is one of the big cheeses.
what's the point of all these online examples to just show you stuff if you can't get inside it and see how its working?
this is a question and by no means a "DIss" loving the Salad (at times).
thanks for the head up though.
a couple of useful links
Yeah they are useful but all i can do is look and wonder how its all done.
How do it get my hands on the templates??
there is no 'buy now' button, there is no download button??
if you want the free demos, download them as pom says
if you want to but them , contact TSB or other people
Its monday morning where i am so please allow for the brain malfunctions.
I've got it now.
thanks for your input guys!